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Free modules!

We are proud to partner with so many great digital learning providers, allowing us to offer our clients access to over 2,000 courses.

What makes myAko different from other providers?

Don't take our word for it, try it yourself for free!
Bite-size learning modules
End of module assessment
CPD Accreditation
Accessible on mobile app
Downloadable certificates

Try some of our modules for free!

Feel free to try some of the modules below, to allow you to experience the type of learning we offer.

We Support Deaf Awareness

Hearing loss affects 5% of the population. Approximately one third of over 65's are affected by disabling hearing loss. It affects 42% of people aged over 50.
Start Module

Home DSE Self Assessment & Ergonomic Troubleshooting

Take our free home DSE assessment and apply what you have learnt to your home office today.
Start Module

Identify the risk of food contamination and how to keep food safe

Think about what could happen if we were not concerned about food safety and hygiene?
Start Module

Free video modules

and so much more!

Why not book a short 30 minute demo and we will happily show you all our capabilities. It's probably the best decision you will make today!